Landscape Forms, Inc. HQ Expansion Project Comstock, MI


The purpose of this Brownfield Plan is to support the growth of a local company through redevelopment of vacant land and the retainage of the corporate headquarters in Southwest Michigan.

With the support of the Kalamazoo County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (KCBRA), Comstock Township, The Kalamazoo County Land Bank Authority, and Kalamazoo County Government, Landscape Forms, Inc. is able to expand one of their current facilities with the development of a 300,000 square foot industrial building and accept the incentives package created by local partners in the State of Michigan. The KCBRA, Comstock Township, and Kalamazoo County, approved a Brownfield Plan that allowed for the reimbursement of $3,847,348 in “eligible activities” back to Landscape Forms, Inc., through tax increment financing over 17 years. Some of the eligible activities included site assessment activities and site preparation.


Project Investment: ~$70,000,000

Property Area: 59.737-acres

New / Retained Jobs: 125/91

Funding Sources:
Landscape Forms, Inc.
Tax Increment Revenue
Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners

Project Partners:
Comstock Township
Kalamazoo County
Kalamazoo County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
Kalamazoo County Land Bank Authority
Southwest Michigan First
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Michigan Strategic Fund
Michigan Growth Advisors
Landscape Forms, Inc.