Stadium Park Way


The proposed redevelopment included a two-phased growth plan by Select Products Limited. Initial construction of a 50,000-square-foot industrial building will consolidate their current operations while providing room for additional growth. The second phase involves the construction of an aluminum anodizing facility within the next five years of the approved brownfield plan, resulting in a combined approximately 90,000-square-foot manufacturing plant on the 14-acre northern parcel.

In addition to the redevelopment by Select Products Limited, HCD Properties, LLC (National Flavors) is also undertaking redevelopment efforts at 7700 Stadium Drive which are included in this Brownfield Plan. HCD Properties, LLC, is constructing and nearing completion of a new, 30,000-square-foot manufacturing building on the previously vacant property. The new investment on the National Flavors parcel is expected to be $4,900,000.

Kalamazoo Storage, LLC, who recently completed new construction in 2017, will construct three new buildings, totaling 19,200 square feet, beginning in the fall of 2018. The private investment from Kalamazoo Storage is expected to be $1,998,400.

Two additional contiguous and adjacent parcels (Harrison Packing LLC and the Oshtemo strip parcel) are also included as part of this Plan.

The five parcels combined encompass approximately 43 acres, the combined redevelopment will be referred to as the Stadium Park Way Redevelopment.

The KCBRA, Kalamazoo County, and the Charter Township of Oshtemo approved a Brownfield Plan that allowed for the reimbursement of $1,514,287.44 in “eligible activities” back to the Stadium Park Way developers through tax increment financing over 25 years. Some of the eligible activities included site assessment activities, due care documentation, and activities related to soil gas vapor mitigation.


Project Investment: ~$4,278,000

Property Area: 43 Acres

New / Retained Jobs: 8

Funding Sources:
Select Products Limited; HCD Properties, LLC (National Flavors); Kalamazoo Storage, LLC; and Harrison Packing LLC

Project Partners:
Oshtemo Township
Kalamazoo County