232, LLC – 232 W. Michigan Ave.
- Predevelopment
- Completed Development
The purpose of this Brownfield Plan is to facilitate the redevelopment of a 10,413 square foot building, increasing the leasable square footage by 750 square feet. The site is a known facility by part 201 of the Natural Resources Protection Agency, and significant renovation of the building was done to bring the building to a usable condition.
With the support of the Kalamazoo County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (KCBRA), and the City of Kalamazoo, 232, LLC renovated the building on this site. The KCBRA and the City of Kalamazoo Commission, approved a Brownfield Plan that allowed for the reimbursement of $87,000 in “eligible activities” back to 232, LLC, through tax increment financing over 22 years. Some of the eligible activities included site assessment activities and demolition.
Project Investment: ~$850,000
Property Area: .13-acres
New / Retained Jobs: n/a
Funding Sources:
232, LLC
Project Partners:
City of Kalamazoo
Kalamazoo County